Full GUIDE - Prismatic Snapdragon: How to get and all Treat locations to change mount color

This guide will walk you through on how to get the Prismatic Snapdragon, step by step. And how to get all the snapdragon treats to change colors on your snapdragon.

To obtain this mount, you start with taking the quest “A Lifeline” by interacting with Growing Snapdragon Runt, located at /way 70.99, 48.64, in Flotsam Shoal camp in The Siren Isle. 

There are 4 main quests in which you need to gather specific types of meat so that the snapdragon becomes bigger and also so that he will like you and not be afraid of you. 

After each main quest, you will get intermission quests that work like daily quests. If you don´t do the daily quest, you will not get the main quest, even after 2 weeks have passed. 

A Lifeline

  • Hungry, Hungry Snapdragon

  • Hungry, Hungry Snapdragon

Snap To It

  • Hungry, Hungry Snapdragon

  • Hungry, Hungry Snapdragon

Temper Like A Tempest

  • Hungry, Hungry Snapdragon

  • Hungry, Hungry Snapdragon

A Loyal Friend

Change color of you snapdragon mount

The snapdragon mount can be turned into eight different colors, based on what snapdragon treat you feed it with. Here are the sources on how to get them. Once you loot a snapdragon treat, if will automatically turn up at the NPC vendor Zexel Fingersnap located in the Flotsam Shoal camp (/way 71.23, 47.45). He sells each treat for 5 Flame-Blessed Iron. 

All locations of Snapdragon Treats

Teal Snapdragon Treat

On the last main quest, you will be rewarded with a snapdragon mount and one of the treats that turns the mount into another color. This first treat that you get is the teal snapdragon treat. 

Teal Snapdragon Treat

Muddy Snapdragon Treat

Each week, we will get a certain type of mobs, that will rotate between, Vrykuls, Nagas, and Pirates, in that order. You can farm for the Muddy Snapdragon Treat when the Vrykuls are up in Siren Isle. You need to kill around 10-20 mobs for it to drop. 

Muddy Snapdragon Treat

Sandy Snapdragon Treat

When you are in the normal phase of the Siren Isle, meaning not during the storm, you will see Seafarer´s Caches scattered around the island. The Sandy Snapdragon Treat can be looted from these chests. You will find most of these Seafarer´s Caches in water around the island, mainly on the north side. 

Sandy Snapdragon Treat

Storminfused Snapdragon Treat

When you are in the storm phase of the island, there are many small claw creatures called Seafury Spikers. These Spikers can drop the Storminfused Snapdragon Treat. 

Storminfused Snapdragon Treat

Royal Snapdragon Treat

Each week, we will get a certain type of mobs, that will rotate between, Vrykuls, Nagas, and Pirates, in that order. You can farm for the Royal Snapdragon Treat when the Nagas are up in Siren Isle. You need to kill around 10-20 mobs for it to drop. 

Royal Snapdragon Treat

Crimson Snapdragon Treat

Each week, we will get a certain type of mobs, that will rotate between, Vrykuls, Nagas, and Pirates, in that order. You can farm for the Royal Snapdragon Treat when the Pirates are up, but I killed more than 40 mobs without a drop. Instead, I got it from a special mob on the island that is only up during the Pirate rotation. This NPC is called First Mate Shellshock. He is located at /way 59.75, 69.11. 

Crimson Snapdragon Treat

Kaja´Cola-braised Snapdragon Treat

This snapdragon treat can be obtained by talking to Blinky Greasefingers, the goblin chef. He is located in the Flotsam Shoal camp, /way 69.20, 45.86. 

Kaja´Cola-braised Snapdragon Treat

Inky Snapdragon Treat

Coming soon.

Changing color of your mount

To change color of your snapdragon mount, you must first click on the treat in your inventory and then mount up. The snapdragon will have the color based on what treat you clicked on.

Teal Snapdragon

Muddy Snapdragon

Kaja´Cola-braised Snapdragon

Storminfused Snapdragon

Royal Snapdragon

Crimsom Snapdragon

Sandy Snapdragon


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