Step by step Guide: How to get the Void-Forged Stallion's Reins mount


Void-Forged Stallion's Reins is an exciting mount introduced in patch 11.1.5. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process to acquire this unique mount.

Step 1: Locate the Cursed Horseshoes

You will need to find 4 Cursed Horseshoes located in specific areas of Stormwind. Below are the coordinates for each location:

Stormwind Cathedral

Coordinates: /way 56.05, 55.46

Mage Quarter

Coordinates: /way 50.97, 84.07

Trade District

Coordinates: /way 61.53, 75.56

Old Town

Coordinates: /way 75.58, 56.79

As you find each Cursed Horseshoe, interact with them to receive a stacking buff. You need to accumulate 4 stacks of this buff.

Step 2: Forge the Horseshoes

After collecting 4 stacks of the buff, proceed to the Dwarven District. Head to the center of the district where the forge is located at the following coordinates:

Forge Location - Coordinates: /way 62.95, 37.15

Interact with the forge to open a UI, then click on “Melt the horseshoes.”

Step 3: Defeat the Rare Spawn

This action will spawn a rare creature known as Void Forged Stallion.

Step 4: Claim Your Reward

Defeat the Void Forged Stallion and loot it to receive the mount: Void-Forged Stallion's Reins.

Follow these steps to successfully acquire your new mount in patch 11.1.5. Happy hunting in Vision of Stormwind (Revisited)!


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