Exciting New Buff for the Delves Bonus Weekly Event Unveiled

Recent hotfixes have hinted at an exciting enhancement for the upcoming Delves Bonus Weekly Event, set to commence on October 1st. Players can look forward to receiving substantial bonuses in Companion experience, Delver's Journey experience, and Undercoin gains!

An Overview of Delves and Its Rewards

As we gear up for the Delves Bonus Event, the event calendar suggests that players will be rewarded with "enhanced rewards for daring explorers." While Blizzard has yet to officially confirm the specifics of this buff, the introduction of a "Sign of the Explorer" buff found in the recent hotfixes suggests a connection. This new buff follows a pattern similar to previous weekly event enhancements.

With these anticipated bonus rewards, now is the perfect opportunity for players to focus on leveling up Brann Bronzebeard and advancing through the Delver's Journey.

Rewards Awaiting in the Delver's Journey

As players embark on their adventures, they will have the chance to earn various exciting rewards, including:

  • Delver's Dirigible Schematics:

    • Lantern Wing

    • Exhaust

    • Front-Mounted Lantern

    • Zeppelin

    • Brown Paint

  • Trusty Hat: A fun item that can be thrown to an ally!

Additionally, players can now purchase Restored Coffer Keys for 2000 Undercoins, and the Hidden Stash from Deep Within is available for 5000 Undercoins.

For those looking to gear up, the Warbound Equipment Set is up for grabs, with the Adventurer 4/8 set (iLevel 580) now available for purchase. This week, Restored Coffer Keys are being offered at a 50% discount, making it an ideal time to stock up!


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