Liberation of Undermine Raid Boss Guides
Welcome to our comprehensive guide for the Liberation of Undermine raid! Below, you'll find detailed strategies for defeating each boss in this exciting raid. Follow these tips to ensure your group is prepared for every challenge.
Vexie and the Geargrinders
Phase 1: Remove the Protective Plating
Protective Plating: The boss begins with 4 stacks on Normal or 6 stacks on Heroic. All stacks must be removed within 2 minutes, or the raid will wipe.
Call Bikers: Geargrinder Biker adds spawn and charge across the arena. Players can hop on their bikes after defeating them and aim at the boss to remove stacks of Protective Plating. Use the “1” ability to shoot the boss.
Tankbuster: Tanks take heavy damage and gain a stacking debuff. Swap tanks after 1 stack.
Heroic Mechanic - Oil Slick: Purple circles mark players, causing oil patches to drop. Keep these at the edge of the arena. Players with Incendiary Fire should clear the oil. Avoid aiming bikes through oil patches.
Phase 2: Mechanical Breakdown
The boss enters a 45-second burn phase with increased damage taken once all Plating stacks are removed.
Pit Mechanics: Adds called Pit Mechanics attempt to cast Repair, shortening the burn phase. Interrupt or crowd-control these adds immediately.
Cauldron of Carnage
Phase 1: Spite of the Colossals
The two bosses apply unique debuffs to players:
Blistering Spite: Affects players near Flarendo. Keep him away from Torq.
Galvanized Spite: Affects players near Torq. Keep him away from Flarendo.
Position the bosses on opposite sides of the arena to prevent stacking debuffs. Both bosses must die at the same time.
Flarendo Mechanics:
Soak Scrapbombs and bait lasers away from the group.
Tanks deal with Eruption Stomp, a high-damage magic attack.
Heroic Mechanic: Spread out during Molten Phlegm.
Torq Mechanics:
Manage the Static Charge bar by moving strategically. Avoid overfilling the bar to prevent stuns.
Dodge Thunderdrum Salvo projectiles.
Heroic Mechanic: Avoid Voltaic Images that chase players.
Phase 2: Colossal Clash
Both bosses charge into the middle, dealing AoE damage. Avoid red and blue swirlies. Coordinate your group for maximum cleave damage during this phase.
Rik Reverb
Phase 1: Party Starter
Amplifiers spawn and gain energy over time. Players need to channel on them to drain energy. Don’t let any Amplifier reach full energy, or it will wipe the raid.
Heroic Mechanic: Channeling stacks a DoT.
Resonant Echoes: Amplifiers emit projectiles. Avoid getting hit to prevent Mind Control on Heroic.
Tanks deal with Sonic Blast, a frontal cone attack that requires a tank swap.
Phase 2: Hype Hustle!
The boss becomes nearly immune to damage and emits deadly waves. Use Amplifiers with blue circles to knock players over the ring. Dodge all projectiles during this phase.
Stix Bunkjunker
Phase 1: Garbage Piles Everywhere!
Rolling Rubbish: Certain players roll around, clearing Garbage Piles to fill the encounter bar. Avoid rolling over allies, the boss, or bombs on Heroic.
Incinerator: Random AoEs ignite garbage piles, creating Hot Garbage. Minimize the number of ignited piles.
Scrapmasters: Interrupt Scrap Rockets.
Junkyard Hyenas: Spread out to avoid disease debuffs on Heroic.
Tanks swap after Demolish, a heavy-hitting magic attack.
Phase 2: Overdrive
After two garbage cycles, the boss gains new abilities and summons more adds. Dodge swirlies and prepare for increased damage output.
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Phase 1: Assembly Required
The arena is divided into segments, with two electrified at a time. Use the same movement pattern to avoid damage.
Tanks swap stacks of Gravi-Gunk and handle Pyro Party Pack away from the group.
Dodge conveyor belt inventions like Blazing Beams and Rocket Barrage.
Heroic Mechanic: Staggered players must soak Foot-Blasters to prevent explosions.
Phase 2: Research and Destruction
Players are pushed to the edge of the arena and must fight against conveyor belts to reach the boss. Constant AoE damage and healing absorbs challenge the raid. Use Warlock gateways for efficiency.
The One-Armed Bandit
Phase 1: That’s RNG, Baby!
The boss summons Reel Assistants that drop symbols. Players must deposit specific combinations to avoid raid wipes. Different combinations trigger various mechanics (e.g., adds, pylons, or AoE damage).
Pylons: Activate pylons carefully. Each activation damages the player who clicks it.
Tanks deal with The Big Hit, leaving Shocking Fields behind. Swap tanks as needed.
Phase 2: This Game is Rigged!
At 30% health, the boss enters a hard enrage timer. Dodge beams, manage raid-wide damage, and kite the boss around the room.
Mug’Zee, Heads of Security
Phase 1: Red and Blue Sides
Players split between the two sides, activating unique mechanics:
Red Side: Handle Gaols, slippery movement debuffs, and Frostshatter Spears.
Blue Side: Detonate mines, soak split damage, and cleave down adds.
Swap sides every minute to avoid overlapping DoTs. Missing a phase swap wipes the raid.
Phase 2: The Head Honcho
Mug’Zee combines all abilities from Phase 1 and gains Bloodlust, significantly increasing his attack speed. Burn him down before he reaches 100 Energy.
Chrome King Gallywix
Phase 1: The House of Chrome
Tanks swap to manage Trick Shots stacks. Players soak split damage from Gatling Cannon.
Avoid bombs and manage DoT debuffs from Sapper’s Satchels.
Heroic Mechanic: Tanks interact with a 1500-Pound Dude Bomb to prevent explosions.
Phase 2: Mechanical Maniac
At 100 Energy, Gallywix activates Giga Coils, which deal pulsing AoE damage. Use Charged Giga Bombs to disable them.
Handle healing absorbs from Fused Canisters and soak them properly to avoid raid-wide damage.
Phase 3: What an Arsenal!
The boss gains full mobility and retains all previous mechanics. New tankbusters and upgraded bombs make this phase a race against time.