Datamined Class and Spell Updates in Patch 11.0.5 PTR - Integrating Live Hotfixes

The latest update to the Patch 11.0.5 PTR brings a variety of class and spell modifications, primarily incorporating recent tuning hotfixes that are currently live on the servers.

Blood Specialization Changes

Blood Death Knight

  • NEW Effect #17: Applies Aura that modifies Effect #2's Value.

    • Value: 5

    • Affected Spell: Infliction of Sorrow

Hero Talents


  • Frenzied Bloodthirst: The Essence of the Blood Queen now stacks 2 additional times, increasing the damage of your Death Coil and Death Strike by 4% (previously 5%) per stack.

    • Effect #2: Applies Aura that modifies Effect #2's Value.

      • Value: 5

    • Affected Spells: Essence of the Blood Queen, Vampiric Strike

Blood Changes

  • Your Death Coil and Death Strike now have a 25% chance (up from 10%) to cause your next Heart Strike to transform into Vampiric Strike.

    • Vampiric Strike will heal you for 1% of your maximum health and grant Essence of the Blood Queen, increasing your Haste by 1.0%, stacking up to 5.0% for 20 seconds.

Unholy Changes

  • Your Death Coil, Epidemic, and Death Strike now have a 25% chance (up from 10%) to make your next attack a Vampiric Strike.

    • Vampiric Strike heals you for 2% of your maximum health and grants Essence of the Blood Queen, increasing your Haste as described above.

General Updates


  • Frost Fever: This disease now deals [(171.2% of Attack Power) * [(Attack Power * 0.98) + ((Attack Power + Offhand Attack Power) * 2 / 3)]] Frost damage over 24 seconds and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 Runic Power each time it deals damage.

    • Effect #1: Applies Aura for periodic damage.

      • Value: 0 (AP modifier: 0.214)

      • PvP Multiplier: 1

These updates aim to enhance gameplay balance and provide a more engaging experience for players.


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