Guide to Obtaining the Battle Pet - Marmaduke
To acquire this battle pet in patch 11.0.7, you will need to complete a brief quest chain. Follow these steps to add this furry friend to your collection.
Starting the Quest: After submitting The Radiant Vault, return to the Forgotten Vault where you initially found the ring. To access it, enter the cave at/way 44.42, 22.71.
Look for The Tattered Journal. The journal is in the room opposite the entrance, in front of the crystal at /way 37.21, 77.41.
Bring the journal back to Stellin Verasa at the base camp (Stellin Verasa: /way 71.01, 39.66
). After handing it in, accept her follow-up quests that require you to gather Faded Journal pages around the isle. Here are their locations:
Faded Journal Page 1: /way 71.03, 59.30
Faded Journal Page 2: /way 51.41, 75.83
Faded Journal Page 3: /way 39.27, 54.21
Faded Journal Page 4: /way 46.07, 47.08
Faded Journal Page 5: /way 55.79, 14.63
Once you complete the quests A Group Effort and Laid to Rest at Last, you will gain access to the Transcribed Kul Tiran Journal, allowing you see things tied to that story. Head upstairs in the inn while staying clear of the storm. From the top of the staircase, turn left. You’ll find a Well Loved Squeaky Toy nestled between the wall and the furthest bed on a pet bed. Stuffed Toy Location: /way 39.36, 54.33
well loved squeaky toy
Take the squeaky toy to Marmaduke, located on the path just southwest of the base camp, while the storm is active.
Stray Marmaduke: /way 53.62, 45.90
Interact with him, and he will dash back to the base camp. Follow him and you’ll find him sitting next to a telescope with a new quest.
Once you reach him, give him a pet to officially add him to your collection.
After you’ve completed this process, Marmaduke will remain at the base camp (Basecamp Marmaduke: /way 68.21, 44.82
) to hang out with you!
If you go back to the house where Marmaduke has his little bed, take out Marmaduke pet and he will cuddle in to his bed a short time.
You can buy the duck toy and give to Marmaduke to play with.
If you go to the cave where Marmaduke and the Kul Tiran was camping to wait for rescue, take aout Marmaduke and he will run out of the cave shaking scared. /way 56.24, 12.40