These are the changes coming in Mythic plus in patch 11.1
Blizzard’s World of Warcraft is poised to address long-standing frustrations with Mythic+ dungeons in Patch 11.1, introducing systemic changes aimed at revitalizing the mode’s appeal.

How the DRIVE CAR (D.R.I.V.E) actually works and how to unlock ALL Modifications
In World of Warcraft Patch 11.1, players will be introduced to a new vehicle called D.R.I.V.E., which stands for Dynamic and Revolutionary Improvements to Vehicular Experiences. This new form of ground mount is designed specifically for the newly unveiled area of Undermine, the capital of the Goblin Trade Empire.

Challange mode added in 11.1 Awakening the Machine
The Awakening the Machine event is an exciting challenge in World of Warcraft that takes place in the Halls of Awakening within the Ringing Deeps and in 11.1 we have a challange mode added.

Dungeon Testing Schedule for The War Within Season 2
The dungeon testing for The War Within Season 2 is set to commence on the PTR realms this week.

Raid Testing Schedule for 11.1 Liberation of Undermine
The raid testing for the upcoming Liberation of Undermine is set to begin, coinciding with the release of the Undermine(d) update.

Shardsong - Rare Timer Guide
Shardsong is a rare creature in World of Warcraft that is part of the achievement “Clean Up on Isle Siren.” This achievement is one of the key components in the Meta-achievement “Isle Remember You,” which rewards players with the coveted mount, The Breaker’s Song.

All Trading Post Items for January 2025
Here are all the items and cost added to the January Trading post, 2025. Many items are tied to the upcoming patch 11.1 Underground. We also have a new collection of skirts that will come in different colors every month similar to the shoulders, backs and hoodies.

Timegating removed - collect all 12 Citrine Gems
In recent developments regarding the acquisition of Citrine Gems in the game, players can now rejoice as all Singing Citrines are available for collection. This change comes as part of a hotfix released by Blizzard, significantly altering the previous time-gated system.

Everything about Winter Veil 2024!
Join your gnomie friends and revel in the festive spirit of the Feast of Winter Veil!The dedicated team at Smokywood Pastures is determined to spread holiday cheer while also enjoying a bit of profit. Winter Veil has arrived in Azeroth, bringing with it a plethora of festive decorations, delightful treats, and seasonal merriment.

Major Update: Citrine Gems for Cyrce's Circlet Now Warbound-Until-Equipped
Blizzard has introduced an exciting change regarding Citrine Gems for Cyrce's Circlet in the upcoming Patch 11.0.7! Players can now benefit from the Warbound-until-equipped status of these gems, which allows for greater flexibility in gearing up alternate characters.

Exciting Updates for Cyrce's Circlet in Patch 11.0.7
Blizzard has announced significant enhancements to Cyrce's Circlet in the upcoming Patch 11.0.7, making it a top-tier choice for players across the board!

Class Tuning in Patch 11.0.7
Blizzard has announced a new set of class tuning changes that will be implemented with the launch of Patch 11.0.7 on December 17, 2024. This update aims to enhance the performance of several underperforming specs.

Guide to Obtaining the Battle Pet - Marmaduke
To acquire this battle pet, you will need to complete a brief quest chain. Follow these steps to add this furry friend to your collection.

Siren Isle Update: Explore, Battle, and Prepare For Adventure!
The latest update for The War Within expansion, Siren Isle, is here, offering players a thrilling new outdoor zone, exciting gameplay mechanics, and a continuation of the ongoing story. Whether you’re diving into the mysteries of the “singing crystal,” upgrading your characters, or unlocking powerful rewards, there’s something for everyone in this content-packed patch.

Huge M+ changes coming in 11.0.7
Next week, with the arrival of Patch 11.0.7, Blizzard is set to make significant adjustments to the availability of crests from Mythic+ dungeons.

Hotfixes for December 10th – Silken Court Nerfs
Blizzard has released a new set of The War Within hotfixes, which include significant nerfs to the Silken Court encounter in Nerub’ar Palace. These changes aim to tweak the difficulty, especially on Mythic difficulty, by adjusting mechanics and damage output.

Upgrade Crests Are Now Uncapped in Season 1
With the latest weekly reset, Blizzard has officially removed the cap on gear upgrade crests for The War Within Season 1. This means that players now have the freedom to farm as many crests as they want without any restrictions, providing more flexibility and opportunities to enhance their gear.

Best 11.0.7 Citrine Ring Gems
With the arrival of patch 11.0.7, players now have access to a brand-new ring, Cyrce's Circlet. While it may appear similar to the Dragonflight’s Onyx Annulet at first glance, Cyrce's Circlet introduces a variety of unique mechanics that make it stand out.

Exciting New Additions to the Trading Post in Patch 11.0.7
With the upcoming Patch 11.0.7, players can look forward to a fresh batch of cosmetic items making their debut at the Trading Post. Following the successful introduction of shoulder capes in previous patches, this update will bring a variety of war skirts and leg wraps that players can collect and showcase.

What’s Happening This Week in World of Warcraft
Another exciting week in World of Warcraft is here, and there’s no shortage of activities to keep you busy in Azeroth. This week offers plenty of opportunities to level up, earn exclusive items, and snag some coveted mounts. Let’s break down everything you should prioritize before the week wraps up!